Wednesday, December 05, 2007

10 Ways on how to make loads of money

Hi everyone, I know I have a few dedicated fans, so here are a few more thoughts, especially to DublinMan whom I admire immensely and not forgetting HeavensAbove whose feminine intuituion never ceases to amaze me.

10 Ways on how to make loads of money and be a moral failure.

  1. Respond to a phone call after putting an advert in Yellow Pages or local rag.
  2. Appear very willing and eager. Credibility and plausibility are key. A suit goes a long way. Apparently people believe in suit wearers more than anyone else.
  3. If the person you are dealing with is extremely naive and gullible, take full advantage.
  4. Offer a price for the job, try any Mickey Mouse price to see how much one can get away with.
  5. Condemn the last guy who did an awful job.
  6. Turn up for the first jobs bright and smiling working at full efficiency and as promised.
  7. Then over time become less and less efficient and spend even shorter times doing the jobs promised to the point when one is virtually doing nothing.
  8. If one is really cheeky one can ask for even more money for doing less.
  9. If someone finds out about this apparently full-proof system, condemn them to purgatory, be shocked, offended and if pushed to the very limit become very hostile.
  10. You then have an excuse to take the money and run.

This might seem to be an open invitation to encourage such behaviour but I can assure you it is no such thing. This goes on all the time without any encouragement.

10 Ways on how to make loads of money and be a moral success.
  1. Respond to a phone call after putting an advert in Yellow Pages or local rag.
  2. Define a price for the job that is fair and reasonable.
  3. Do the work as promised.
  4. Turn up every time bright and smiling or grumpy even, it don't really matter as long as you do the job as promised.
  5. Do the work as promised.
  6. Ask for more money only if there is extra work or there are rising costs.
  7. Do the work as promised.
  8. Offer feedback and criticism of any work done and build on it.
  9. Do the work as promised.
  10. Make loads of money based on the idea that one does a good job and can be trusted, with loads of integrity thrown in.

See that's not hard is it ? or is it ?

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Servicing Ego's

I have dealings with this company, well more than one, that provides me and several others with a service,

I won't say what those services are or the name of those companies because that would be unfair. One comes across these situations all the time and is not unique. It's a consequence of modern jaded capitalism and is everywhere believe me.

Anyway, I have pointed out several lapses in the way they provide their service, blatant lapses, nothing life threatening or anything like that, lets not exaggerate.

But anyway they are lapses and we are paying for these services.

When one writes to them pointing out these lapses one comes across a firewall, where nothing is allowed in, except when they want to say something and that is always allowed out.

I always thought that a company providing a service was there to provide a service, and that they should respond to suggestions and improvements in their service,

No such thing happens, they are unable or unwilling to think out of the box.

In my previous Blog entry I talked about how many customers end up feeling they are are actually providing a business with a service by actually deigning to be one of their customers.

The customer is actually supposed to receive a service from the business, not the business receiving a service from the customer, who is actually paying all the bills.

It just amuses me this strange twisting around of reality.

So, the company keeps on saying no to all complaints, they don't respond in any significant way. They give in to a couple of minor points to show they are responding, but they require very little effort to resolve.

Real lapses are just ignored, they respond with a pleasant face and a business suit, but things carry on the same old way.

Don't get me wrong, the service they provide is on the whole generally ok, but these lapses show they are starting to fall apart, not immediately, but slowly but surely. I have seen other places where they provide this service and there are glaring omissions there as well.

The problem is, they believe their service is par excellence, that it is beyond criticism, and if they do make mistakes they sure as hell not going to tell anyone.

But the modern day has arrived, and all of that is being thrown out of the window.

Today's modern companies, respond to criticism, in fact thrive on it, they use criticism to change and adapt to what is happening today, not what happened 10-20 years ago. They have learnt to use it to their own commercial advantage, make more money and expand because they have finger on the pulse, they understand the modern heartbeat and actually provide the full service they say they are going to provide.

One could say that a business should always protect its own interest, and so they should, but it is in their own interests to use valid attacks on their ability to provide a service that can in fact make it thrive and prosper. Criticism is not the enemy of a business, compliancy and ego managed businesses are.

If their business is in for the long haul they need to change and adapt. Maybe their business is one of those take the money and run types, in which case, sadly, there is little that can be done. That is an issue that can only be resolved between the perpetrator and God.

If one challenged them to any real significant extent they would become nasty and unpleasant, so much so, one would say it not worth the effort. If it involved someone really close to me, or really, really serious issues it might be different, but they appear so entrenched in their business model of the past, that the effort involved would be just too much.

Whilst my ego is sorely dented because they won't respond to my genuine concerns, their ego will become in time, their undoing, there business will just fade away.


Just to lighten things a bit here are some jokes about David Beckham, perhaps one of England's greats footballers.

David Beckham walks into a pub.
The landlord says 'A pint of your usual, David?'
Beckham replies 'No, just a half, then I'm off'

Its the year 2019 and Romeo Beckham is about to sign professional terms with Manchester United.

Pondering the situation, he asks his Father, "What squad number should I ask for dad?"

David thinks for a moment and says... "Wear four out there Romeo"

Q: What do Barry Manilow and David Beckham have in common?
A: A: They are both useless singers.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Path of the righteous

There is a big problem that I have and that is my righteousness, my internal feeling that I am always right and that nothing should appear to challenge my preconceived ways of seeing.

Do I take this on board, well yes, I say righteously, I do, why would I write this if I where not challenging myself on the way I think.

The problem with my righteous world is that everyone else sees differently, you ask a thousand people the correct way to do something and they will give a thousand different solutions and that can be so damn annoying.

So I accept and am fully aware of this righteousness, I pain, go into spasms of anxiety over it, I really do.

Getting older is definitely a contributing factor. One see's everything different as one gets older, experiences of life tell one about this situation and that situation and a mindset becomes firmly embedded in the consciousness. And as we know many of the mindsets that exist in everyday life are not good. So I am aware of this, my experience is not the experience of others.

Lots of personal experiences that are to crazy too mention, well not really, they are just personal and my own business, also contribute.

So after criticising my own path of righteousness and fully accepting that this can be a problem I eagerly and I mean with a delicious eagerness, launch my attack on the state of things as I see it and the absolute nonsense that appears to exist out there, it's incredible disconnections.

The society that I know and live in everyday is stuck in a rut, has lost its vision, if it ever had one.

So after revealing my righteousness and putting myself at a disadvantage from other righteous people who will now attack me with a vengeance

I have to quote a famous song from the 1960's written by Malvina Reynolds

Little boxes on the hillside,
Little boxes made of ticky-tacky,
Little boxes, little boxes,
Little boxes, all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.

And the people in the houses
All go to the university,
And they all get put in boxes,
Little boxes, all the same.
And there's doctors and there's lawyers
And business executives,
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.

And they all play on the golf-course,
And drink their Martini dry,
And they all have pretty children,
And the children go to school.
And the children go to summer camp
And then to the university,
And they all get put in boxes
And they all come out the same.

And the boys go into business,
And marry, and raise a family,
And they all get put in boxes,
Little boxes, all the same.
There's a green one and a pink one
And a blue one and a yellow one
And they're all made out of ticky-tacky
And they all look just the same.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

The rise of musical Fascism

Mass media penetration into the lives of ordinary people with music is both effective and world wide. What with iTunes, CD's, ipods, MP3 plays, you name it, music is everywhere

I say this because one of it's side effects is the mass and I mean mass hypnotism that music seems to have on people.

Music has always and will always continue to have a great influence in my life, but the banality of much of music defies description.

I am not into censorship or controlling the use of music, not at all, just making a wry comment.

I only say this as in the last couple of years I have suffered at the hands of the music fascist. They don't actually do any real harm, they are just intensely infuriating,

Two incidents come very much to mind.

I worked in a kitchen with this chef, no, two chefs who had this craze for their music. One for U2 and the other Céline Dion. Ok they play great music and are accomplished musicians, there is perhaps no doubt about that. But hey, would you like to listen to them at full volume during the whole work day. U2 at full volume just blows the mind out and Céline Dion makes one suicidal. Ok in small does and and at low volume, but nothing else.

The fascism comes in when you challenge these guys about the music playing away all day long. They get angry, they don't believe in democracy, they think their music is right and just and that everyone else must listen to it. They are oblivious to the needs of anyone else and if I had the courage (I don't) to grab the ghetto blaster and chuck it out the window they would literally kill me or at the very least punch me in the face.

Now that's Music Fascism.!

Mass media propaganda has so penetrated the lives of ordinary people that some people need their music like a drug and to take that drug away is like going cold turkey on heroin (never tried the stuff). It's like the whole population on planet earth is slowly been mesmerised by the musical chord.

I am convinced that music tastes are decided in the board rooms of big media corporations and then allowed to drift in to the population to match a spectrum of human emotions. What I mean is there seems to a range of music out today that fits certain of personality. Music for the Emo, Music for Manic, Music for the downtrodden, Music for no body loves me. There is even music for what a lovely day, (that's what it is like outside right now). So I am convinced that these cynical executives (though I have no proof whatsoever) say one day, lets put out some music for those emotionally down (Céline Dion) and another day lets put out music for people who suffer manic episodes (U2) and then everyone suffers, well perhaps is a little extreme, I suffer and suffer badly and many suffer in resentful silence.

It's become so bad that muscians becomes like demi-gods, or even in competition with God himself and the fan believes, that because the pop, rock or indie star can play an instrument and sing a nice chord they are more important than say Martin Luther King or Ghandi or any other person who has made real contributions to the state of the world.

This last incident really sums up musical fascism. I live somewhere near a guy who is really into his music, I mean seriously into his music. I don't know what music, I can't hear the words or get a semblance of what group is playing, (I can usually work out what most musical styles are), all that can be heard is bum,bum,bum,bum. because he has a taste for music that is all bass and nothing else.

And as a parting shot, all these guys are afraid of their own silence.

Help, please help me from the musical fascists, they are taking over the world. !

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Thoughts on the business world

Business is a very difficult thing in the cut and thrust of the real world. It's dog eat dog, survival of the fittest and so on and so forth, all tired clichés I know, but still very pertinent

Here are a list of points concerning the business world. This comes from several years of experience at being self employed and seeing how many businesses work.

The first Meeting

Many people have the mistaken belief that because a person is well mannered and speaks softly that somehow they can be trusted. Of course manners and a nice presentation do help, but substance is required rather than a lot of honeyed words.

Beware of men with honeyed words as they have a hidden contempt for the gullibility of others and will use this unfortunate human trait to their own full advantage.

I'd rather deal with someone who was honest and straightforward, even blunt to the point of being rude, if it meant he was telling the whole truth about a business proposal. No side, no manipulation, just the straight honest facts. In fact many would be willing to pay more for an upfront honest deal if they knew they were going to get what they promised. That would be a real and honest way to make money wouldn't it ?

More money to be made there I am sure.

Taking on a job

Many a job is taken on trust, OK, take the trust on with your best mate, your brother, and even that can't be guaranteed. Many jobs are taken on with expansive promises that cannot or will not be met, but one cannot see that behind that smile or the apparent creditability.

In business never ever take the word of another business man because what he says he will do will rarely if ever translate into what he actually intends to do. Put it all down on paper with a proper written contract that details in infuriating detail exactly what is to be done and make the other guy sign on the dotted line, in front of witnesses if possible. If he is not willing to do this, go somewhere else.

The job itself

The job often starts of with a big fanfare as it were, the bloke who smiles and is very credible is making all his efforts to make the deal work. But as so often happens 'problems' get in the way ands over time the work starts to deteriorate and things start to go wrong.

Many times the tables turn and there is a quick change of chairs and the man who is doing the job becomes the boss and you the employer become a pain in the arse employee, an unfortunate person in the money grabbing process.

The only way to deal with this ludicrous situation is to have a quality control programme, that is part of the contract and payments only made in sections of jobs actually done.

The business man responds instinctually to lack of money and loss of his next new BMW, so one must constantly keep the guy on his toes and actually make him, through potential loss of income to actually carry out what he says he will do.

If one does not show great and constant interest in the work done in your name, the business man will slowly but surely deteriorate in his service because he will say, "Hey this man is not interested, why should I ?"

Be Interested, very interested !

Reasons why businesses fail in more ways than one

When a person with dreams of his own business starts off, they usually have this incredible energy, its their honesty and ability to carry out what they say that makes them succeed.

But as so often happens when they have made their first million or got there first big car they slacken off a little. They have been in business so long that they have seen all the ugly side of business and then slowly become cynical and find it easier to become part of that ugly side rather than keep up their former energy.

Then the business begins to fail, looses it's integrity, its spirit, even if they still apparently make the money.

I am I naive or what ?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

New Syndrome Discovered

Well would you believe it, my neighbour is still here. After him saying that he was going in Mid January, he is apparently going in Mid February. Phew !

No, it is yet to be seen whether he goes at all, not that I want him to go, nothing to do with me whether he comes or goes. I really mean that, it's a free country and all that.

So after he said he was going and he didn't he went through a period of appearing very silent, you know as though he had reformed, listened to all those letters sent and responded in kind like most people do. Like please forgive me I have sinned and I will no longer be so inconsiderate

But then, the plot thickens, his tenure of silence suddenly erupted into another series of explicit door banging. A few times in the early morning and one particularly fulfilling one (for him at least) at half past one in the morning.

So you see the situation is far from resolved.

My only complaint has been his banging door, nothing else, honest.

So I have come up with a new syndrome for all those out there who like to put behaviour into little pockets of diagnosis. This young man fits like a hand into a glove with DBS. I have also included a treatment plan that might work, but you implement it at your own risk, I am no doctor.

Door Banging Syndrome (DBS)

1. Assertion skills way over the top. Anger is a primary consideration here, the inability to express anger in a reasonable way.

2. A childhood of implied violence or actual violence from and/or his family or his peers.

3. Dog scenting behaviour. The act of door banging is like a dog marking his territory by urinating in particular spots to show boundaries. Instead of scent marking the noise of banging doors is used to mark territory. It is a very useful means of doing so as it resounds great distances and leaves this incredible resonating noise in the mind of others. There is no doubt about presence felt and territory declared. Very territorially bound to say the least.

4. Enjoys, in fact delights giving psychic pain to others, this is usually a childhood learnt behaviour.

5. Controls others through pain or implied pain to others. Like torture without the actual torture if you see what I mean.

6. Lack of positive role models in childhood, a weak or none existence father or mother figure, or just plain spoilt. A philosophy perhaps from family that violence is the only way to get things done. Could go either way on this causative factor.?

7. Immaturity in relationships and intolerance of others.

8. Cataclysmic antagonism to criticism, which might reveal an underlying real genuine sensitivity. (More research needed)

9. Inability to stop really annoying infuriating behaviours.

10. Has no gentle female side to his male self, David Beckham has, so we are not talking the abstract here.

11. Cultural, social intolerance, anyone who is different is clearly a threat

12. Overwhelming Egomania.

13. Bullying behaviour, control and intimidation of those he perceives as weak, stupid and especially males with a gentle disposition.

14. Have no empirical evidence about the age range, but males appear about 20-30ish, if this is common then there is clearly a case of a testerone overload and could be a victim of his own genes.

Testerone is implicated in machismo, it puffs up the muscles, the ego and has similar effects in peacocks when they strut about showing off their feathers. This behaviour is meant to drive away other males, attract and mate with females. Doors appear to get dragged into this, much to their despair, I am sure.

15. A history of inanimate object destruction, window smashing and furniture throwing have been noted in some cases. Whether this will ever translate into physical attacks on humans is yet to be seen.

16. Aversion to classical music. A sneaky suspicion, with no real evidence at all to be honest, that men playing classical music in the background all the time (quietly I must reiterate) are wimps and woossies and deserve the sound of banging doors just to break the music up a little into dramatic climaxes that even Wagner or Beethoven could not dream up.

Treatment strategies

Clearly this is a very difficult condition to treat. The greatest cure perhaps is time itself. As with many of these conditions, self awareness and exploration of the inner psyche with resolution of childhood conflicts is the only way to deal with the obvious real pain in these individuals.

I have come up with a possible treatment plan that is in its very early stages and as yet completely unproven.

It involves the DBS sufferer in 3 main activities

1. Take long walks in beautiful countryside, contemplate the beauty of nature in all it's glory

2. Wait for a clear starlit sky and spend all night observing the beauty of the infinite universe and ones own place in it.

3. Take up meditation and practise it at least once a day (as I need to do soon) and find inner calm away from the pettiness of human interaction.

Warning ! Please, please, when proposing this treatment strategy to an individual with DBS make sure that you have worked out an adequate escape route and that you can run faster than him, just in case he takes it the wrong way and becomes hostile.


The evidence for DBS is very sketchy at the moment and much more research needs to be done, A comprehension double-bind study of at least 100 DBS volunteers is needed to ensure that this condition actually exists and techniques found to treat it. Clearly one cannot create a new syndrome just on the basis of anecdotal evidence and the annoyance of one person, but there is a basis for further research and knowledge which might benefit humanity in many ways not dreamt of yet.

Friday, January 05, 2007

The Door Banger

I have had this efernal problem for a few weeks now. One of my neighbours enjoys banging his front door. I am a loss of what to do about it.

Is seems very important to him to express himself, it’s a way of him stating to the world and other neighbours that he exists in the great plan of things.

No matter what I have said so far to him makes no difference. He seems a reasonable guy on the surface.

I tried the reasonable approach, not that I am going to try an unreasonable one, like "can you please stop doing this". He sort of lent forward with his left shoulder downward as though I was hard of hearing, gave me this piercing gaze as if to say "why are you giving me this hassle". I replied that "I was not looking for a fight" and all that I wanted was for him to not slam the his front door. "What I am I supposed to do when I come in, I got to close the door". Very logical argument. But I said this has never happened before and when he saw that I wasn't going to hit him he relented and said he will try not to do it any more, but he did anyway.

One day he had this argument with what appeared to be his ex, there was lots of shouting and angry voices. Could not hear what they said but the tone was quite clear. BANG !!!!! as she left the premises in grand finale worthy of a Shakespearean play. The door slammed with nuclear force. I ascertained that it take must years of practice to get the door to slam at just the right velocity to carry its mass into the very fabric of the building. If he where to enter the Olympics in a door slamming contest, he would surely win the gold and keep winning that medal time after time if he ever managed to live that long.

Couple of years ago we had a mini earthquake about 3.2 on the Richter scale. Not serious but enough to give one the hibbie gibes as the the whole building rocked in a very alarming context. The type of experience that sets you off in to believing in God again, because all one wants to say, is, "Oh my god"

Well his door slamming must register at the local seismic earthquake sensor station on a scale of at least 1 or say .09. So it is not as bad but still pretty impressive in building shaking terms. I am surprised that the local earthquake station did not report it in the papers as one of those strange mysterious blips they must get every so often.

Enough of that now. You see the problem, don't you. ?

Various means of dealing with the situation.

I could go to church and learn the art of forgiveness and recite "he knows not what he does", don't laugh because I think this is a very important idea. Sometimes we do things and have no idea of the effect it has on others. But this guy is not into things like that I am sure. He would just accuse me of being a 'holy joe' and smirk.

I could try a course of meditation, learn to control my inner anger, learn that a banging door is only a minute rumble in the immensity of an infinite universe, which it is actually.

Deep self awareness might help me get away from instincts of appearing to be a control freak, yes but, he is actually banging the door as stated and any reasonable person would think the same, I hope.

I could create a bust up, a big furore, let it be known to him that 'we don't stand no nonsense like this around here".

An old fashioned gentlemen approach would be to invite him outside on the lawn, roll our sleeves up and have a bare knuckle fight and let the best man win. Then in some peculiar way even if I lost we would end up respecting each other and he just might stop banging his front door. You never know ?

That's the way they used to do it, wasn't' it. Clear the air, sort it out. The police don't allow such things any more which is a shame because lots of disputes would be over and done with very quickly and no one really harmed, except for a few minor bruises. I am talking only fists mind you, nothing else.

Anyway he would win in both instances, his is younger and fitter, me older and not up to such things. No, not into violence and bust ups, really not, honest.

I could recommend to him a course of anger management. This is entirely relevant because he has learnt to behave this way from childhood. As a child if he could not get his way he would explode and slam a door. A statement of implied violence that is very effective if not challenged and confronted. He just has not grown out of it that's all and therapy would help him understand his inner feelings and deal with difficult situations in a more reasonable way. Nope, that would not work neither, "psychobabble" he would call it, hit me straight in the face to prove that violence implied or otherwise is the only way to get things done.

I could recognise his alpha male status. Get on my bended knees and ask him 'please, please, please don't bang your front door anymore, please, please, please, I am begging you'. He would treat me as a weakling, lacking backbone, maybe giving me a good kick to show that he was really the king of his particular jungle. Hey ! a man has his pride, I couldn't do such a thing.

My final option is to start an organisation that promotes peace and reconciliation in the world, promoting reconnection with each other and questioning how modern life is breaking up our abilities, we do have them, to care and understand for each other beyond the confines of our little life boxes. A good idea, but there might be an epidemic of door slamming throughout the world, just to prove to the idealists like me that peace and reconciliation is a big No No.

No way, my idealism stays.

Anyway I understand he is leaving, not doubt he will leave his mark before he goes.

Phew !?