I say this because one of it's side effects is the mass and I mean mass hypnotism that music seems to have on people.
Music has always and will always continue to have a great influence in my life, but the banality of much of music defies description.
I am not into censorship or controlling the use of music, not at all, just making a wry comment.
I only say this as in the last couple of years I have suffered at the hands of the music fascist. They don't actually do any real harm, they are just intensely infuriating,
Two incidents come very much to mind.
I worked in a kitchen with this chef, no, two chefs who had this craze for their music. One for U2 and the other Céline Dion. Ok they play great music and are accomplished musicians, there is perhaps no doubt about that. But hey, would you like to listen to them at full volume during the whole work day. U2 at full volume just blows the mind out and Céline Dion makes one suicidal. Ok in small does and and at low volume, but nothing else.
The fascism comes in when you challenge these guys about the music playing away all day long. They get angry, they don't believe in democracy, they think their music is right and just and that everyone else must listen to it. They are oblivious to the needs of anyone else and if I had the courage (I don't) to grab the ghetto blaster and chuck it out the window they would literally kill me or at the very least punch me in the face.
Now that's Music Fascism.!
Mass media propaganda has so penetrated the lives of ordinary people that some people need their music like a drug and to take that drug away is like going cold turkey on heroin (never tried the stuff). It's like the whole population on planet earth is slowly been mesmerised by the musical chord.
I am convinced that music tastes are decided in the board rooms of big media corporations and then allowed to drift in to the population to match a spectrum of human emotions. What I mean is there seems to a range of music out today that fits certain of personality. Music for the Emo, Music for Manic, Music for the downtrodden, Music for no body loves me. There is even music for what a lovely day, (that's what it is like outside right now). So I am convinced that these cynical executives (though I have no proof whatsoever) say one day, lets put out some music for those emotionally down (Céline Dion) and another day lets put out music for people who suffer manic episodes (U2) and then everyone suffers, well perhaps is a little extreme, I suffer and suffer badly and many suffer in resentful silence.
It's become so bad that muscians becomes like demi-gods, or even in competition with God himself and the fan believes, that because the pop, rock or indie star can play an instrument and sing a nice chord they are more important than say Martin Luther King or Ghandi or any other person who has made real contributions to the state of the world.
This last incident really sums up musical fascism. I live somewhere near a guy who is really into his music, I mean seriously into his music. I don't know what music, I can't hear the words or get a semblance of what group is playing, (I can usually work out what most musical styles are), all that can be heard is bum,bum,bum,bum. because he has a taste for music that is all bass and nothing else.
And as a parting shot, all these guys are afraid of their own silence.
Help, please help me from the musical fascists, they are taking over the world. !
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