Thursday, July 19, 2007

Servicing Ego's

I have dealings with this company, well more than one, that provides me and several others with a service,

I won't say what those services are or the name of those companies because that would be unfair. One comes across these situations all the time and is not unique. It's a consequence of modern jaded capitalism and is everywhere believe me.

Anyway, I have pointed out several lapses in the way they provide their service, blatant lapses, nothing life threatening or anything like that, lets not exaggerate.

But anyway they are lapses and we are paying for these services.

When one writes to them pointing out these lapses one comes across a firewall, where nothing is allowed in, except when they want to say something and that is always allowed out.

I always thought that a company providing a service was there to provide a service, and that they should respond to suggestions and improvements in their service,

No such thing happens, they are unable or unwilling to think out of the box.

In my previous Blog entry I talked about how many customers end up feeling they are are actually providing a business with a service by actually deigning to be one of their customers.

The customer is actually supposed to receive a service from the business, not the business receiving a service from the customer, who is actually paying all the bills.

It just amuses me this strange twisting around of reality.

So, the company keeps on saying no to all complaints, they don't respond in any significant way. They give in to a couple of minor points to show they are responding, but they require very little effort to resolve.

Real lapses are just ignored, they respond with a pleasant face and a business suit, but things carry on the same old way.

Don't get me wrong, the service they provide is on the whole generally ok, but these lapses show they are starting to fall apart, not immediately, but slowly but surely. I have seen other places where they provide this service and there are glaring omissions there as well.

The problem is, they believe their service is par excellence, that it is beyond criticism, and if they do make mistakes they sure as hell not going to tell anyone.

But the modern day has arrived, and all of that is being thrown out of the window.

Today's modern companies, respond to criticism, in fact thrive on it, they use criticism to change and adapt to what is happening today, not what happened 10-20 years ago. They have learnt to use it to their own commercial advantage, make more money and expand because they have finger on the pulse, they understand the modern heartbeat and actually provide the full service they say they are going to provide.

One could say that a business should always protect its own interest, and so they should, but it is in their own interests to use valid attacks on their ability to provide a service that can in fact make it thrive and prosper. Criticism is not the enemy of a business, compliancy and ego managed businesses are.

If their business is in for the long haul they need to change and adapt. Maybe their business is one of those take the money and run types, in which case, sadly, there is little that can be done. That is an issue that can only be resolved between the perpetrator and God.

If one challenged them to any real significant extent they would become nasty and unpleasant, so much so, one would say it not worth the effort. If it involved someone really close to me, or really, really serious issues it might be different, but they appear so entrenched in their business model of the past, that the effort involved would be just too much.

Whilst my ego is sorely dented because they won't respond to my genuine concerns, their ego will become in time, their undoing, there business will just fade away.


Just to lighten things a bit here are some jokes about David Beckham, perhaps one of England's greats footballers.

David Beckham walks into a pub.
The landlord says 'A pint of your usual, David?'
Beckham replies 'No, just a half, then I'm off'

Its the year 2019 and Romeo Beckham is about to sign professional terms with Manchester United.

Pondering the situation, he asks his Father, "What squad number should I ask for dad?"

David thinks for a moment and says... "Wear four out there Romeo"

Q: What do Barry Manilow and David Beckham have in common?
A: A: They are both useless singers.

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